How To Set And Achieve Your Goals

November 28, 2017

Goal is an essential part of life, yet only few are able to set goals and achieve it. Majority of people live their lives with no clear direction of where they're heading to!

Everyone has dreams and life aspirations but setting goals make it even more real and makes more sense. Oh I want to be damn rich when i have grown up! Many people wish something similar to the phrase above but most never attempt to set goals that'll help them achieve that wish or dream as you may call it but if a dream isn't worked upon it is just a mere wish.

Some people set goals once a year and that's during the new year eve or crossover night as some may call it. I don't have a problem with how often you decide to set goal, No. The problem is most people after the new year resolution don't attempt to achieve it, the totally forget about their goals, some follow for 3 months and abandon their goals while about only 8% achieve this new year goal.

It can happen to everyone, I remember saying I wanna launch a blog and gain tons of traffic then start making some SEXY amount of money, but I failed to set goals that would help me achieve my aim and I ended up achieving nothing. So you ain't alone, we're in this together!😃

Why is setting goals so important? Many people go about their lives confusedly and with no clear focus of where they're going, So setting Goals help in shedding more light to our life and dreams, it's like a road part we should follow. Setting goals makes a thing more real, it's actually an inevitable part to success or to achieving anything!

I talked about my blogging adventure and how I didn't set goals to achieve my aims, I actually did learnt to set goals afterwards as I was going nowhere but down or rather backwards or maybe I was even stagnant and was making no progress. I decided to put an end to my confused life and mind by setting goals to achieve my blogging aims!

I actually did achieve some and I'm still working on some which probably are long term goals. I actually didn't stopped at setting goals for my blog, i went further to setting personal finance goals, I set savings goals and also goals of how much I wanted to make within a time span and seriously I went nowhere but up! Setting goals actually changed my life and mode of thinking! When I thought something was daunting, I quickly set goals for it and also decide my strategy to achieve such goals, and at the end I found out it wasn't as daunting as I thought! So setting goals can actually make things easier for you!

So in today's guide, I will showing you how to set and achieve any goals. My illustrations in this article will be based on personal finance and blogging as I am familiar with setting goals for my blog and also finances, hoping to set goals on other areas soon and share but until then! 😄.

If you ain't setting goals for your finances and blog or you probably ain't a blogger, don't worry you can still flow along as this guide will help you set any kind of goals whether it's fitness goals (loosing and gaining weight), travel goals and more!

So if you're willing to set goals and achieve them, then read ahead! Below are my insiders knowledge of setting goals and achieving them!

How To Set Goals

This first aspect is actually on how to set goals, it always seems hard when you haven't gotten started, that's why should get started and set your goals, don't be scared of how to achieve them (I have got you covered). I will be sharing how you can create achievable and realistic goals! If you've been struggling with goal setting then this is for you. Start setting those goals ASAP with this insiders tips below!

Decide On The Goals You Wanna Achieve
You've actually decided to set goals, right? Maybe after you stumbled upon this article! You may also have wanted to set goals but something kept drawing you backwards and stopping you from setting or you've probably set goals you didn't achieve or something else along the line! Whichever thank God you've decided to get started!

So what's that goals you're wanting to set? Use 30min to an hour brainstorming on the goals you want to set (Long and Short term goals). Get a pen and a paper then write down what you want to achieve. List Your Goals.

What's The Reasons For  Wanting To Achieve These Goals
Human wants are insatiable, it's very easy to write tons of things as your proposed goal, yeah everything needs to get done but not at once or at the expense of something that's even more important.

So it's actually time to eliminate those goals that's not too important or rather organizing them in a friendly and orderly manner so you won't waste time on what's not necessary or what's superficial!

You've got some goals in mind, what's the actual reason for wanting to achieve these goals?

Is these goals relevant to your life? There some goals that are actually important but after analysis and some evaluation, you will discover it doesn't worth your time or isn't in any way gonna add value to your life! Maybe you wanna be famous, ask yourself if being famous is what you actually need at the moment! Oh yeah being famous is the goal of almost everyone but you may not need that now!

What do you stand to benefit from this goal? You should know what's actually the ROI (return of investment) for setting such goal. I'm sure you don't wanna waste time on something you won't benefit from! Just like everyone would wanna make more Money not because you've fall in love with a paper called currency, with some figure and probably with some pictures but because of what money can be used for; Buying cars, house, investing and more!

Your reasons shouldn't be selfish, your reasons for setting a particular goal should be real, I mean real!

It shouldn't be selfish, you've set a goal to buy a car because your neighbor owns a car, without evaluating if you need a car or has what it takes to maintain a car! It should be just you and the value you wanna add!

Oh fuel cost $5 and I will be needing fuel of $40 to get to work monthly while I'm currently spending $60 to get to work on a taxi or public transport, if I buy a car it would be better and can actually lift people on my way to work and get paid! 

Buying a car for such reason might be better than because your friend has a car.

So decide why you're setting a particular goal. If it's more than one goal, know your reasons for each and everyone of them!

Be Specific With Your Goals
You've successful known why you're setting your goal(s), it's time to make your goals somewhat real and achievable!

It's very easy to say I want to drive traffic to my blog or I want to make money, getting 3 Page views is actually an achievement or making a dime since you wanted to make money is actually an achievement. I know you don't want such little achievement or do you?

So making sure your goals are specific is a way out, instead of I want to drive traffic to my blog; I Want To Get 10,000 Unique Visitors To My Blog This Month would be better and makes more sense! Don't you think so?

Or instead of I Want To Make Money, you may try being specific like; I Want To Make $1000 from side hustling in 21days. This actually makes more sense and seems more like a goal and not a wish or a slip of tongue!

Whatever your goal(s) maybe, it should be or rather must be specific if you want to achieve it. Using numbers actually makes a goal specific, so you shouldn't miss using them! You will agree with me the numbers like $1000, 10,000, 21days, & a month (it doesn't matter if it's in written form) actually made those goals specific. I didn't do any magic, the numbers did!

Make Your Goals Measurable
Apart from setting goals that's specific, your goals should also be measurable. You may ask what I mean but these is the picture!

I have set my goal and I will definitely wanna track my progress, if it isn't measurable it would be nearly impossible and you know what that means; you can easily forget about the goal and give up!

Recalling back on the aforementioned goal sample, I said something like I Want To Get 10,000 Unique Visitors On My Blog This Month, It's actually measurable because I am able to track my performance, for this I might be needing 5,000 unique visitors in 2weeks in order to achieve this goal, if I'm unable to meet the target then I'll know I'm falling off track and critically needs to make some adjustment else I might not achieve my goal! You get the picture!

In order words, making your goal measurable actually makes your goal even more specific.

Be Realistic With Your Goals
It very easy and humanly to set goals that isn't real, you can easily set a goal that's so huge and you know fully well this goal can't be achieved but you did it all in the name of you're setting goal(s). Lol I understand but you shouldn't do such!😃

You should be so true and realistic with the goal you're setting and wanting to achieve! Imagine you've never made $100,000 a year (your income plus side hustling/extra bonuses isn't up to that figure), and you set a goal of hitting $1,000 000. You can see that isn't not in anywhere realistic!

Lets say you're a new blogger that hardly gets 1,000 views a day and you set a goal of getting 500,000 Page views a month, you can see you're not being realistic here, you should instead target 30 to 50k a month.

Just like I wouldn't advise you create goals that is too easily achieved, I also won't advise something that isn't in anyway real! No. It should be balanced, it shouldn't be easily achieved and also shouldn't be unrealistic.

You should start with something realistic whether you're wanting to shed some few pounds or wanting to travel to a certain country, you should be realistic, you know when you're not being real, so do the needful!😃

Achieving Your Goals

You've set goals, that isn't the end, it's just a step of faith😃
What matters most is achieving these goals. There isn't a magic way of achieving goals but there are certain steps you should take towards achieving your goals.

It's no longer news that most people gives up on their goals and some others forget about it, it isn't their fault but it's actually because they lack the strategy of achieving these goals. I'm sure you don't wanna waste your time creating goals and end up giving up on it. I'm sure you won't, if you made sure it's specific and the reasons for setting your goals is of great value.

Furthermore, I have come up with some great ways to achieve your goals, some of these may require you managing time, changing the way you do things and more, all of which isn't something that's neck cutting or extremely difficult to do! If you want to achieve your goals you shouldn't mess around with these tips I have below!

Before then, there's one thing I think I'm missing. What's that? Desire!

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which  transcends everything. Napoleon Hill

You want to achieve your goals? Have the desire to do so, let there be a burning passion or Ecstasy to do something. It's the starting point of of achieving anything. If you don't have the burning passion to achieve your goals, forget it! That's why having a reason for setting a particular goal is so important, it keeps your desire alive especially if it's a superb reason! Not only the reasons, you should develop the desire to achieve your goals.

Always Reflect On The Reasons For Setting These Goals
I have talked about having reasons for setting your goals, I believe you probably have one, two or more. If you don't make sure you do!

Furthermore, you should always reflect back on the reasons for wanting to these goals. If possible you shouldn't forget why you're wanting to achieve a goal or two, make the reason part and parcel of you.

Someone may ask why? These reasons is what motivates your journey toward achieving your goals, lets say you're saving in order to pay a child's school fee, when odd times and obstacles tries to weigh you down and probably forcing you to give up on your goals, you'll remember why you've been on these goals and would strive hard to achieve it. That's why I always recommend you have superb reasons for wanting to achieve any goal.

Create Your Strategy
Your goals can't achieve itself, so you should start creating strategies for achieving these goals!

How do you intend to achieve these goals? Create a strategy for working on your goals!

Lets say you're aimed at saving $1,000 a month, you may consider saving $250 every week, reduce your impulse spending, practice frugality and more! You might want to discard the unnecessary!

If your goals has to do with time, you should set up time for working on your goals, if you're aimed at writing 20 articles for your blog this month, you shouldn't just write anytime you feel like writing, rather set a specific time to write these articles!

If your goal is on saving or making extra cash, you definitely need some time to do jobs and side hustles that would favor your goal or rather illuminate the journey of achieving your goals.

You need to know what's needed to achieve your goals, what's that thing you need to achieve your goals? Who and who will play a strong role in the success of your goal.

You want to drive traffic to your blog, you might be needing to be on your laptop with internet access and having a clear insight of whom your targeted audience are and also where they hang out, those are the requirements. Almost all goals involve someone but some goals tends to be personal, so that's an exemption. But they all need something in order to be achieved, so be on top of your game by knowing what's needed to achieve a set goal.

You should also consider where such goals would be achieved, some goals doesn't have a precise location for achieving them but some other do, so we shouldn't ignore it.

Where would such goals be achieved? Lets say you want to drive traffic to your blog, you might need to be active on social media and some online directories, but knowing the ones you would wanna be active on is better. This way you won't waste time in unnecessary locations!

You get the picture, so start creating a your strategies for achieving your goals. Set out time dedicated to working on your goals whether a long or short term goal, set out time daily or weekly to work on your goals. Create an insightful roadmap to your goals.

Prioritize Your Goals
This is very important, you should prioritize your goals. Of course don't have only one goal, maybe three or four. You may probably be confused on which you should work on first, so prioritizing your goals will help overcome your confused state of mind.

You need to know which goal is more important than the other. This doesn't mean you should include goals that isn't relevant, remove the irrelevant goals and prioritize the relevant ones.

One factor you shouldn't overlook is time, goals maybe important and you ain't sure of which is more or most important, using the time factor might help you decide. How do I mean?

I have two goals, one is driving traffic to my blog, the other is writing blog posts. So how does the time factor comes in handy?

It's clear that majority of people read blogs during the day than night, so I may consider doing the traffic generation during the day and writing at night, these way I'm actually doing what's right. If I write during the day and decide to boost traffic at night I might not get good results as most people are already in bed.

So there are best times to do certain things, you shouldn't prioritize without considering time. Ask yourself if a goal has best time and if it can wait for another time. These will help you prioritize your goals.

Attempt The Big And Scary Goals
There are some goals that seems so daunting, seriously there are! I remember working on smaller goals because I was scared of the big ones, we all did it!😃

The truth is that it is better to face those big and scary goals. Yeah we should eat the frog as mark twin will call it.

The point is that you start your day by tackling the hardest and most important task, once you've achieve them you'll be face smaller task! So don't let that goal scare you!

Develop Some Useful Habits
Habits play's strong role here, you should develop some useful habits that will play strong role in achieving your goals.

What are those things you want to automatically do in order to achieve your goals? It maybe time adjustment or something else.

When I was tackling my goals, my habits were waking up earlier in the morning (4AM precisely), Drink a cup of water and then write articles for my blog for just 1hr 30min and also using the time left before it gets dawn to schedule posts on my favorite social platforms like Pinterest and Facebook, this way I can have time for other goals during the day!

Making those things my daily habits didn't came easily but I'm a fan of It Takes 21 Days To Form A Habit, so I strived and consistently did it, I made use of reminding app on my phone to wake myself as soon as it was 4AM and after some period of time I was able to wake up without the alarms! You too can do it!

So think of things you'll like to make your habit, I mean that'll help your goals and start working on it! These you you may want to automate every morning and evening, just get started and be consistent.

Eliminate What Isn't Necessary

There are things we do but they aren't necessary, it's maybe some goals you've set that isn't relevant and would be a waste of time, energy and resources tackling such goals. It maybe something you're doing that isn't necessary, so you should eliminate them ASAP.

Think of things you can stop doing, of course everyone has one thing or the other we can stop doing and save ourselves more energy and time for what's important.

So start thinking about things you're doing that doesn't add value to your life and stop doing them. It's easier said than done, I know!

It isn't easy to stop something but you have to. So what's that thing? I stopped engaging in unnecessary social media argument, reading unnecessary news and entertainment, reply or comenting on posts that isn't relevant. I used the time for my goals and things that are more important!

Yours may or may not be related to social media, maybe a program you're always watching but isn't adding value to your life but rather stealing your time. It could be something else, think about them!

Make Sure You've A Deadline
Time is something that can't be exempted in goal setting and achieving. When tackling your goals you should have a deadline or rather time frame for achieving that goal.

Your Goals should be time-bound, have a set time for achieving your goals! These helps your goal be more realistic and motivates you to work on your goals!

In addition, When your goals are time-bound, they’re measurable, and you should hold yourself accountable by measuring those goals on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Set Benchmark
What it actually means to set benchmark, you should break your goals into smaller goals especially if it's a long term goal or a daunting or difficult goals.

Imagine it this way, you're asked to count some pebbles that by assumption should be above 500, counting 1,2,3,4,5 to 500+ would be so overwhelming and difficult, you may even lost count along the line but would be easier if you break it down by counting 50, then counting another 50 until you're done! You get the picture!

So you should do similar for your goals, just like you won't lost count when it's been broken up, you'll be able to track and manage your progress when your goals are broken into smaller goals.

Keep Track Of Your Progress
The is very crucial, you should track your performance daily, weekly, or monthly but the more often the better!

I talked about developing habits, tracking your goals is one thing you should make a habit. Yeah it's that serious!

When you track your goals often, you're more likely to achieve them. Why? Goals can easily be ignored especially if it's a long term goal and also goals that are 3 months or 6 months long!

So you should habitually track your goals and make adjustments when necessary!

Final Thoughts

If you're always hitting roadblocks and aren't doing too well with your goals, you should consider readjusting.

Apply a new techniques and approach to your goal, don't continue with something that isn't working, always track your Goals, discover were you ain't doing well and readjust. This doesn't mean you should start afresh with your goals, No! Just develop a new strategy to tackle your goal(s).

In addition, you should keep record of what and what didn't worked, these ensures you don't repeat those mistake. Don't see it as failure but like you've learnt ways that won't work. If any worked, keep record of them, it maybe useful some other day!

Lastly, I talked time management as a key of goal setting, I have written an article on how to manage your time and make the most out of your 24hours. I recommend you read the article. And also this article on creating work plan might interest you if you're wanting to create a good work plan for yourself.

If you have anything to contribute, or have some questions or just anything meaningful to say, please use the comments!

Hey! I'm not done yet.😃 I need a favor from you please!
If you found this article useful, please share it to social networks in order to reach more People.

Don't forget to follow on social platforms and subscribe for more! Stay beautiful!😃

Goal is an essential part of life, yet only few are able to set goals and achieve it. Majority of people live their lives with no clear direction of where they're heading to!

Everyone has dreams and life aspirations but setting goals make it even more real and makes more sense. Oh I want to be damn rich when i have grown up! Many people wish something similar to the phrase above but most never attempt to set goals that'll help them achieve that wish or dream as you may call it but if a dream isn't worked upon it is just a mere wish.

Some people set goals once a year and that's during the new year eve or crossover night as some may call it. I don't have a problem with how often you decide to set goal, No. The problem is most people after the new year resolution don't attempt to achieve it, the totally forget about their goals, some follow for 3 months and abandon their goals while about only 8% achieve this new year goal.

It can happen to everyone, I remember saying I wanna launch a blog and gain tons of traffic then start making some SEXY amount of money, but I failed to set goals that would help me achieve my aim and I ended up achieving nothing. So you ain't alone, we're in this together!😃

Why is setting goals so important? Many people go about their lives confusedly and with no clear focus of where they're going, So setting Goals help in shedding more light to our life and dreams, it's like a road part we should follow. Setting goals makes a thing more real, it's actually an inevitable part to success or to achieving anything!

I talked about my blogging adventure and how I didn't set goals to achieve my aims, I actually did learnt to set goals afterwards as I was going nowhere but down or rather backwards or maybe I was even stagnant and was making no progress. I decided to put an end to my confused life and mind by setting goals to achieve my blogging aims!

I actually did achieve some and I'm still working on some which probably are long term goals. I actually didn't stopped at setting goals for my blog, i went further to setting personal finance goals, I set savings goals and also goals of how much I wanted to make within a time span and seriously I went nowhere but up! Setting goals actually changed my life and mode of thinking! When I thought something was daunting, I quickly set goals for it and also decide my strategy to achieve such goals, and at the end I found out it wasn't as daunting as I thought! So setting goals can actually make things easier for you!

So in today's guide, I will showing you how to set and achieve any goals. My illustrations in this article will be based on personal finance and blogging as I am familiar with setting goals for my blog and also finances, hoping to set goals on other areas soon and share but until then! 😄.

If you ain't setting goals for your finances and blog or you probably ain't a blogger, don't worry you can still flow along as this guide will help you set any kind of goals whether it's fitness goals (loosing and gaining weight), travel goals and more!

So if you're willing to set goals and achieve them, then read ahead! Below are my insiders knowledge of setting goals and achieving them!

How To Set Goals

This first aspect is actually on how to set goals, it always seems hard when you haven't gotten started, that's why should get started and set your goals, don't be scared of how to achieve them (I have got you covered). I will be sharing how you can create achievable and realistic goals! If you've been struggling with goal setting then this is for you. Start setting those goals ASAP with this insiders tips below!

Decide On The Goals You Wanna Achieve
You've actually decided to set goals, right? Maybe after you stumbled upon this article! You may also have wanted to set goals but something kept drawing you backwards and stopping you from setting or you've probably set goals you didn't achieve or something else along the line! Whichever thank God you've decided to get started!

So what's that goals you're wanting to set? Use 30min to an hour brainstorming on the goals you want to set (Long and Short term goals). Get a pen and a paper then write down what you want to achieve. List Your Goals.

What's The Reasons For  Wanting To Achieve These Goals
Human wants are insatiable, it's very easy to write tons of things as your proposed goal, yeah everything needs to get done but not at once or at the expense of something that's even more important.

So it's actually time to eliminate those goals that's not too important or rather organizing them in a friendly and orderly manner so you won't waste time on what's not necessary or what's superficial!

You've got some goals in mind, what's the actual reason for wanting to achieve these goals?

Is these goals relevant to your life? There some goals that are actually important but after analysis and some evaluation, you will discover it doesn't worth your time or isn't in any way gonna add value to your life! Maybe you wanna be famous, ask yourself if being famous is what you actually need at the moment! Oh yeah being famous is the goal of almost everyone but you may not need that now!

What do you stand to benefit from this goal? You should know what's actually the ROI (return of investment) for setting such goal. I'm sure you don't wanna waste time on something you won't benefit from! Just like everyone would wanna make more Money not because you've fall in love with a paper called currency, with some figure and probably with some pictures but because of what money can be used for; Buying cars, house, investing and more!

Your reasons shouldn't be selfish, your reasons for setting a particular goal should be real, I mean real!

It shouldn't be selfish, you've set a goal to buy a car because your neighbor owns a car, without evaluating if you need a car or has what it takes to maintain a car! It should be just you and the value you wanna add!

Oh fuel cost $5 and I will be needing fuel of $40 to get to work monthly while I'm currently spending $60 to get to work on a taxi or public transport, if I buy a car it would be better and can actually lift people on my way to work and get paid! 

Buying a car for such reason might be better than because your friend has a car.

So decide why you're setting a particular goal. If it's more than one goal, know your reasons for each and everyone of them!

Be Specific With Your Goals
You've successful known why you're setting your goal(s), it's time to make your goals somewhat real and achievable!

It's very easy to say I want to drive traffic to my blog or I want to make money, getting 3 Page views is actually an achievement or making a dime since you wanted to make money is actually an achievement. I know you don't want such little achievement or do you?

So making sure your goals are specific is a way out, instead of I want to drive traffic to my blog; I Want To Get 10,000 Unique Visitors To My Blog This Month would be better and makes more sense! Don't you think so?

Or instead of I Want To Make Money, you may try being specific like; I Want To Make $1000 from side hustling in 21days. This actually makes more sense and seems more like a goal and not a wish or a slip of tongue!

Whatever your goal(s) maybe, it should be or rather must be specific if you want to achieve it. Using numbers actually makes a goal specific, so you shouldn't miss using them! You will agree with me the numbers like $1000, 10,000, 21days, & a month (it doesn't matter if it's in written form) actually made those goals specific. I didn't do any magic, the numbers did!

Make Your Goals Measurable
Apart from setting goals that's specific, your goals should also be measurable. You may ask what I mean but these is the picture!

I have set my goal and I will definitely wanna track my progress, if it isn't measurable it would be nearly impossible and you know what that means; you can easily forget about the goal and give up!

Recalling back on the aforementioned goal sample, I said something like I Want To Get 10,000 Unique Visitors On My Blog This Month, It's actually measurable because I am able to track my performance, for this I might be needing 5,000 unique visitors in 2weeks in order to achieve this goal, if I'm unable to meet the target then I'll know I'm falling off track and critically needs to make some adjustment else I might not achieve my goal! You get the picture!

In order words, making your goal measurable actually makes your goal even more specific.

Be Realistic With Your Goals
It very easy and humanly to set goals that isn't real, you can easily set a goal that's so huge and you know fully well this goal can't be achieved but you did it all in the name of you're setting goal(s). Lol I understand but you shouldn't do such!😃

You should be so true and realistic with the goal you're setting and wanting to achieve! Imagine you've never made $100,000 a year (your income plus side hustling/extra bonuses isn't up to that figure), and you set a goal of hitting $1,000 000. You can see that isn't not in anywhere realistic!

Lets say you're a new blogger that hardly gets 1,000 views a day and you set a goal of getting 500,000 Page views a month, you can see you're not being realistic here, you should instead target 30 to 50k a month.

Just like I wouldn't advise you create goals that is too easily achieved, I also won't advise something that isn't in anyway real! No. It should be balanced, it shouldn't be easily achieved and also shouldn't be unrealistic.

You should start with something realistic whether you're wanting to shed some few pounds or wanting to travel to a certain country, you should be realistic, you know when you're not being real, so do the needful!😃

Achieving Your Goals

You've set goals, that isn't the end, it's just a step of faith😃
What matters most is achieving these goals. There isn't a magic way of achieving goals but there are certain steps you should take towards achieving your goals.

It's no longer news that most people gives up on their goals and some others forget about it, it isn't their fault but it's actually because they lack the strategy of achieving these goals. I'm sure you don't wanna waste your time creating goals and end up giving up on it. I'm sure you won't, if you made sure it's specific and the reasons for setting your goals is of great value.

Furthermore, I have come up with some great ways to achieve your goals, some of these may require you managing time, changing the way you do things and more, all of which isn't something that's neck cutting or extremely difficult to do! If you want to achieve your goals you shouldn't mess around with these tips I have below!

Before then, there's one thing I think I'm missing. What's that? Desire!

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which  transcends everything. Napoleon Hill

You want to achieve your goals? Have the desire to do so, let there be a burning passion or Ecstasy to do something. It's the starting point of of achieving anything. If you don't have the burning passion to achieve your goals, forget it! That's why having a reason for setting a particular goal is so important, it keeps your desire alive especially if it's a superb reason! Not only the reasons, you should develop the desire to achieve your goals.

Always Reflect On The Reasons For Setting These Goals
I have talked about having reasons for setting your goals, I believe you probably have one, two or more. If you don't make sure you do!

Furthermore, you should always reflect back on the reasons for wanting to these goals. If possible you shouldn't forget why you're wanting to achieve a goal or two, make the reason part and parcel of you.

Someone may ask why? These reasons is what motivates your journey toward achieving your goals, lets say you're saving in order to pay a child's school fee, when odd times and obstacles tries to weigh you down and probably forcing you to give up on your goals, you'll remember why you've been on these goals and would strive hard to achieve it. That's why I always recommend you have superb reasons for wanting to achieve any goal.

Create Your Strategy
Your goals can't achieve itself, so you should start creating strategies for achieving these goals!

How do you intend to achieve these goals? Create a strategy for working on your goals!

Lets say you're aimed at saving $1,000 a month, you may consider saving $250 every week, reduce your impulse spending, practice frugality and more! You might want to discard the unnecessary!

If your goals has to do with time, you should set up time for working on your goals, if you're aimed at writing 20 articles for your blog this month, you shouldn't just write anytime you feel like writing, rather set a specific time to write these articles!

If your goal is on saving or making extra cash, you definitely need some time to do jobs and side hustles that would favor your goal or rather illuminate the journey of achieving your goals.

You need to know what's needed to achieve your goals, what's that thing you need to achieve your goals? Who and who will play a strong role in the success of your goal.

You want to drive traffic to your blog, you might be needing to be on your laptop with internet access and having a clear insight of whom your targeted audience are and also where they hang out, those are the requirements. Almost all goals involve someone but some goals tends to be personal, so that's an exemption. But they all need something in order to be achieved, so be on top of your game by knowing what's needed to achieve a set goal.

You should also consider where such goals would be achieved, some goals doesn't have a precise location for achieving them but some other do, so we shouldn't ignore it.

Where would such goals be achieved? Lets say you want to drive traffic to your blog, you might need to be active on social media and some online directories, but knowing the ones you would wanna be active on is better. This way you won't waste time in unnecessary locations!

You get the picture, so start creating a your strategies for achieving your goals. Set out time dedicated to working on your goals whether a long or short term goal, set out time daily or weekly to work on your goals. Create an insightful roadmap to your goals.

Prioritize Your Goals
This is very important, you should prioritize your goals. Of course don't have only one goal, maybe three or four. You may probably be confused on which you should work on first, so prioritizing your goals will help overcome your confused state of mind.

You need to know which goal is more important than the other. This doesn't mean you should include goals that isn't relevant, remove the irrelevant goals and prioritize the relevant ones.

One factor you shouldn't overlook is time, goals maybe important and you ain't sure of which is more or most important, using the time factor might help you decide. How do I mean?

I have two goals, one is driving traffic to my blog, the other is writing blog posts. So how does the time factor comes in handy?

It's clear that majority of people read blogs during the day than night, so I may consider doing the traffic generation during the day and writing at night, these way I'm actually doing what's right. If I write during the day and decide to boost traffic at night I might not get good results as most people are already in bed.

So there are best times to do certain things, you shouldn't prioritize without considering time. Ask yourself if a goal has best time and if it can wait for another time. These will help you prioritize your goals.

Attempt The Big And Scary Goals
There are some goals that seems so daunting, seriously there are! I remember working on smaller goals because I was scared of the big ones, we all did it!😃

The truth is that it is better to face those big and scary goals. Yeah we should eat the frog as mark twin will call it.

The point is that you start your day by tackling the hardest and most important task, once you've achieve them you'll be face smaller task! So don't let that goal scare you!

Develop Some Useful Habits
Habits play's strong role here, you should develop some useful habits that will play strong role in achieving your goals.

What are those things you want to automatically do in order to achieve your goals? It maybe time adjustment or something else.

When I was tackling my goals, my habits were waking up earlier in the morning (4AM precisely), Drink a cup of water and then write articles for my blog for just 1hr 30min and also using the time left before it gets dawn to schedule posts on my favorite social platforms like Pinterest and Facebook, this way I can have time for other goals during the day!

Making those things my daily habits didn't came easily but I'm a fan of It Takes 21 Days To Form A Habit, so I strived and consistently did it, I made use of reminding app on my phone to wake myself as soon as it was 4AM and after some period of time I was able to wake up without the alarms! You too can do it!

So think of things you'll like to make your habit, I mean that'll help your goals and start working on it! These you you may want to automate every morning and evening, just get started and be consistent.

Eliminate What Isn't Necessary

There are things we do but they aren't necessary, it's maybe some goals you've set that isn't relevant and would be a waste of time, energy and resources tackling such goals. It maybe something you're doing that isn't necessary, so you should eliminate them ASAP.

Think of things you can stop doing, of course everyone has one thing or the other we can stop doing and save ourselves more energy and time for what's important.

So start thinking about things you're doing that doesn't add value to your life and stop doing them. It's easier said than done, I know!

It isn't easy to stop something but you have to. So what's that thing? I stopped engaging in unnecessary social media argument, reading unnecessary news and entertainment, reply or comenting on posts that isn't relevant. I used the time for my goals and things that are more important!

Yours may or may not be related to social media, maybe a program you're always watching but isn't adding value to your life but rather stealing your time. It could be something else, think about them!

Make Sure You've A Deadline
Time is something that can't be exempted in goal setting and achieving. When tackling your goals you should have a deadline or rather time frame for achieving that goal.

Your Goals should be time-bound, have a set time for achieving your goals! These helps your goal be more realistic and motivates you to work on your goals!

In addition, When your goals are time-bound, they’re measurable, and you should hold yourself accountable by measuring those goals on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Set Benchmark
What it actually means to set benchmark, you should break your goals into smaller goals especially if it's a long term goal or a daunting or difficult goals.

Imagine it this way, you're asked to count some pebbles that by assumption should be above 500, counting 1,2,3,4,5 to 500+ would be so overwhelming and difficult, you may even lost count along the line but would be easier if you break it down by counting 50, then counting another 50 until you're done! You get the picture!

So you should do similar for your goals, just like you won't lost count when it's been broken up, you'll be able to track and manage your progress when your goals are broken into smaller goals.

Keep Track Of Your Progress
The is very crucial, you should track your performance daily, weekly, or monthly but the more often the better!

I talked about developing habits, tracking your goals is one thing you should make a habit. Yeah it's that serious!

When you track your goals often, you're more likely to achieve them. Why? Goals can easily be ignored especially if it's a long term goal and also goals that are 3 months or 6 months long!

So you should habitually track your goals and make adjustments when necessary!

Final Thoughts

If you're always hitting roadblocks and aren't doing too well with your goals, you should consider readjusting.

Apply a new techniques and approach to your goal, don't continue with something that isn't working, always track your Goals, discover were you ain't doing well and readjust. This doesn't mean you should start afresh with your goals, No! Just develop a new strategy to tackle your goal(s).

In addition, you should keep record of what and what didn't worked, these ensures you don't repeat those mistake. Don't see it as failure but like you've learnt ways that won't work. If any worked, keep record of them, it maybe useful some other day!

Lastly, I talked time management as a key of goal setting, I have written an article on how to manage your time and make the most out of your 24hours. I recommend you read the article. And also this article on creating work plan might interest you if you're wanting to create a good work plan for yourself.

If you have anything to contribute, or have some questions or just anything meaningful to say, please use the comments!

Hey! I'm not done yet.😃 I need a favor from you please!
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