How To Fix Number Of Posts ISHH On Blogger Homepage.

November 13, 2017
Hello There!

You're using the free blogging platform, I guess!

If you're not then why are you even reading this post? Okay i get, you wanna learn how to fix Blogger number of posts on homepage ISHH?

Yeah I'm gonna tell you an easy way to do that, No coding or techie skills required.

You've noticed that MOST times you set your Blogger posts to display 10 on homepage but it displays otherwise, maybe 7, 6 or even 3.

I used a Custom Blogger Template, I wanted to launch my blog and publish some articles but after I hit 'publish' (I published 25 posts), I got really upset because the number of posts displayed on my homepage was only 4 and I set it to display 10.

I started surfing the internet (Google precisely) for solution but I couldn't get anything helpful. But WAHOOO! I later fix the number of posts on homepage ISHH! How I did that? Story for another DAY!

To my amazement I did it without messing around with codes. (You know how annoying 'Blogger' can be when it's related to codes). And what's even more amazing? I did it in less than 60s. Yeah that's true!

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So how did I fix the number of Posts ishh that's common with the Blogger blogging platform?

How I Fixed Blogger Number Of Posts On Homepage Ishh! No tech! No Code.

Step 1
Log on to your Blogger dashboard and select the blog that had the homepage ishh!

Next, go to 'Settings' and then to 'Posts, comments and sharing'.

Now select the numbers of posts you want to be displayed on your homepage then save! I choose only 10, it could be more.

View your blog to see if the number of posts displayed is corresponding, if it's not, lets do step3.

To fix the number of posts on homepage ishh, edit posts and add 'Jump Break' to each posts.

If you set to display 10 posts on homepage then edit the first ten posts and add 'Jump Break' to each. If it's 20, edit the first 20 posts and vice versa.

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Now how to edit posts and add jump break, it's pretty much easy!

1.View Blog And Note The Last Line Of Words.
You could add 'Jump Break' anywhere around beginning of the post but to get things right and in a formal way, check the last line of words that ends your post on your homepage and add jump break under it. That's if you're using a custom template that summarize posts on the homepage.

According to the screenshot of my blog home above, the last line of words is no different from 'you've created your blog, it&'.

So what I have to do is add 'Jump Break' under that words in order  not to cut off words that should be display on the homepage.

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2.Access Blogger Posts In Dashboard and Edit.

3.After You've Edit, Locate The Last Line Of Words.

You can see there's no line space in the last line of words, so I can't just insert 'Jump Break' there, I have to locate a paragraph and you can see that my cursor is already on the nearest paragraph, so I'll insert a 'Jump Break'.

5.Adding 'Jump Break'!
Put your cursor on the paragraph and click on the jump break icon at the top-nav-bar! Example image below.

After you've click on the icon on insert 'Jump Break', the paragraph will look like the image below.

6.Update Post.
Once your 'Jump Break' is inserted, update your post and you're done.

That's a pretty good step to inserting jump break, so all you have to do is to add 'Jump Breaks' to all the posts (according to the amount you choose to display).

In addition, you can decide to add 'Jump Breaks' to all your posts, there's no problem but I didn't do that because there was no time to waste, besides I've got other task but if you're chanced and want to make things more organized then adding jump break to all your posts is the way forward.

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Final Thoughts
You've successful fix Blogger Posts Number On Homepage ISHH, BRAVO!

YOU might ask question like What If I Want To Publish A New Post? So lemme answer it once and for all (so you won't bother asking).

It's simple and plain, add jump break to your new post too.

PS- I used a smartphone for this tutorial, but note that the steps will work on any ICT device.

If you're still facing difficulties fixing the ISHH, comment and I'll help ASAP!

Hello There!

You're using the free blogging platform, I guess!

If you're not then why are you even reading this post? Okay i get, you wanna learn how to fix Blogger number of posts on homepage ISHH?

Yeah I'm gonna tell you an easy way to do that, No coding or techie skills required.

You've noticed that MOST times you set your Blogger posts to display 10 on homepage but it displays otherwise, maybe 7, 6 or even 3.

I used a Custom Blogger Template, I wanted to launch my blog and publish some articles but after I hit 'publish' (I published 25 posts), I got really upset because the number of posts displayed on my homepage was only 4 and I set it to display 10.

I started surfing the internet (Google precisely) for solution but I couldn't get anything helpful. But WAHOOO! I later fix the number of posts on homepage ISHH! How I did that? Story for another DAY!

To my amazement I did it without messing around with codes. (You know how annoying 'Blogger' can be when it's related to codes). And what's even more amazing? I did it in less than 60s. Yeah that's true!

Must-Read: How To Start A Blog And Make Money.

So how did I fix the number of Posts ishh that's common with the Blogger blogging platform?

How I Fixed Blogger Number Of Posts On Homepage Ishh! No tech! No Code.

Step 1
Log on to your Blogger dashboard and select the blog that had the homepage ishh!

Next, go to 'Settings' and then to 'Posts, comments and sharing'.

Now select the numbers of posts you want to be displayed on your homepage then save! I choose only 10, it could be more.

View your blog to see if the number of posts displayed is corresponding, if it's not, lets do step3.

To fix the number of posts on homepage ishh, edit posts and add 'Jump Break' to each posts.

If you set to display 10 posts on homepage then edit the first ten posts and add 'Jump Break' to each. If it's 20, edit the first 20 posts and vice versa.

Must-Read: 9 Things To Do After You've Launch Your Blog

Now how to edit posts and add jump break, it's pretty much easy!

1.View Blog And Note The Last Line Of Words.
You could add 'Jump Break' anywhere around beginning of the post but to get things right and in a formal way, check the last line of words that ends your post on your homepage and add jump break under it. That's if you're using a custom template that summarize posts on the homepage.

According to the screenshot of my blog home above, the last line of words is no different from 'you've created your blog, it&'.

So what I have to do is add 'Jump Break' under that words in order  not to cut off words that should be display on the homepage.

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2.Access Blogger Posts In Dashboard and Edit.

3.After You've Edit, Locate The Last Line Of Words.

You can see there's no line space in the last line of words, so I can't just insert 'Jump Break' there, I have to locate a paragraph and you can see that my cursor is already on the nearest paragraph, so I'll insert a 'Jump Break'.

5.Adding 'Jump Break'!
Put your cursor on the paragraph and click on the jump break icon at the top-nav-bar! Example image below.

After you've click on the icon on insert 'Jump Break', the paragraph will look like the image below.

6.Update Post.
Once your 'Jump Break' is inserted, update your post and you're done.

That's a pretty good step to inserting jump break, so all you have to do is to add 'Jump Breaks' to all the posts (according to the amount you choose to display).

In addition, you can decide to add 'Jump Breaks' to all your posts, there's no problem but I didn't do that because there was no time to waste, besides I've got other task but if you're chanced and want to make things more organized then adding jump break to all your posts is the way forward.

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Final Thoughts
You've successful fix Blogger Posts Number On Homepage ISHH, BRAVO!

YOU might ask question like What If I Want To Publish A New Post? So lemme answer it once and for all (so you won't bother asking).

It's simple and plain, add jump break to your new post too.

PS- I used a smartphone for this tutorial, but note that the steps will work on any ICT device.

If you're still facing difficulties fixing the ISHH, comment and I'll help ASAP!


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