How To Choose The Right Niche To Blog About

November 13, 2017

You've heard of niche? It's actually the first thing people talk about when you're about starting a blog.
Go to Amazon, purchase any book on starting a blog and you will hear the author talking about choosing a blog niche. Yeah it's that serious.

Why is choosing a blogging niche important?

• Helps you stand out
Blogging has existed long time ago (even before I was born and maybe you too), many bloggers have already got a name for their self and their blog, you too probably want to achieve same!

So sticking with niche blogging will help you achieve your aim fast! If you're blogging about relationship and someone else is blogging about relationship, health, business, entertainment and more, someone who is looking for relationship guide would prefer your own blog than the one that's multi niche! So these way you stand out and someone will have a clear insight on what you're blogging about!

•Help you rank for SEO
You've probably visit Google search engine and type in some keywords and some websites appeared. Have you asked yourself why those websites appeared when there are some other websites with such keyword, some other are found on page #133 😃

The reason is because those blogs and websites are niche specific, type business on Google and Business insider is likely to appear on the list because it's specifically for business.

So when you're focused on a particular topic you're likely to rank than when you're multi niche. Though single niche is no guarantee for ranking but it's a good approach to SEO.

• Reduce Workload
Sticking to a single niche helps you reduce some unnecessary stress, lets say you're a multi niche blogger, you'll face stress of writing post on each niche, multiple subscription list, and driving traffic to each niche as your readers might not be on the same social platform. But if you're blogging about a single topic (example fitness), you won't face stress of researching multiple topics (you'll be focused on your niche), visiting many social platforms (you'll stick to were your readers hang out), you won't have multiple subscription list ( all your subscribers will be interested in what you have), the list goes on!

• Help You Stay Focus
Sticking to a single niche helps you stay focused, you will only visit places were your readers hang out, read articles about your niche, guest post on niche related sites and more. You won't think much about other things.

Also when you're asked what you're blogging about you'll be able to mention something specific other than mentioning many topics.

If I'm to mention all the importance then you'll expect nothing less than 35,000 words when reading this post. Multi niche has it pros and also cons, so those single niche has it own cons but there's nothing like single niche, the advantages tends to be more!

Despite the importance of niche blogging most people experience difficulty in choosing the right niche, I also found myself in such trauma and wasn't something I would wish to anyone, it's really daunting and mind boggling.

I really had a hard time choosing niche for my blog, I closed several blogs of mine because I wasn't satisfied with the topics I was covering, I wanted to blog about everything i knew but it wasn't working! I had to stick with some niches and later on, I found the ones that is superb for me! Seriously I understand the confusion attached to choosing a niche for your blog, so I've got you covered. If you're reading this after so many attempt to find the right niche, I'm here to guide you through!

So lets get started with choosing a blog niche , but before then permit to address a common issue most people face when choosing a niche for their blog.

What's that? Trying to be for everyone. You seriously can't please everyone, if you want everyone to be interested in the topic you're blogging about then you'll be lost. Blogging isn't about getting the crowd, get a decent amount and rock on with it.

Everybody mustn't like your niche, if they don't they'll go elsewhere, those who're interested will stay around. Don't make the mistake of trying to get everyone's attention.

Must-Read: How To Start A Blog That Makes Money!


1.Choose a niche around your likes.
What are those things you like? You should blog about what you enjoy and have passion for.
Brainstorm about what you'll like to share with your readers, What problem do you want to solve? Oh people ain't getting these right or are struggling with with it, I have better knowledge about this and I can be of help. Seriously what problem will you be addressing?

In addition, you should love to read other blogs on which ever topic you've chosen, what kind of blogs do you read? Okay you're not a fan of blogs? Take 3-5 days this week and read a blog that's similar or the same with the topic you've decided and see if you enjoy the niche and would also love to share something similar!

When choosing a niche you should ask yourself why would someone actually want to read my blog?
How are you helping your readers?

Okay I'm making them laugh,

I'm teaching them about .....,

I'm helping them solve or overcome.....,

I'm motivating about being or achieving.....,

Just think of how you're helping your readers.

If you have experience about something, you can share your experience about it via blogging. If you successful loosed weight, you can decide to guide people from experience of loosing weight.

What if I'm not good or a professional about the things I would love to blog about? 
Nobody is interested in your professionalism, you actually don't need a Bachelors degree or a particular personality. Be yourself, readers appreciate authenticity, don't pretend to be Mr A when you're actually Mr B. If you don't know a thing, tell your readers and teach want you know or better still do some research!

There's always room for learning, nobody knows it all, if you're not good at the desired niche, go learn it! Pay to learn if needs arise. When I decided to talk about personal finance, I wasn't good at it, I didn't even enjoy reading personal finance blog (I thought so), I just decided to give it a try, I read personal finance blogs and I discovered I actually did love personal finances, I never knew until I gave it a try, so start trying.

I also went further after I discovered my passion for finances to learn about it, i took courses online, attended seminars, listen to podcast and more. I won't say I afterwards became an expert, No No No!

I'm not an expert but I was able to get some knowledge about personal finance. One thing I also gained was I hence started to plan my financial life, I started budgeting and I actually became money wise. So learning personal finance also help me too. Today I'm still learning and at the same time sharing...

I see my blog as a storage for storing what I knew for future use and at the same time teaching others. How? Sometimes i read articles I've written previously and I'm like wow! I actually wrote this?

I have forgotten about the articles and also the tips in it, so I am able to re-read it and learn from the article. Brains forget, so my blog actually reminds me! You get the picture😃

There's nothing wrong telling your readers you don't know a thing, times without number my readers have ask me investment questions and I answer those I know and the ones I don't I reply; sincerely I don't know about this! It's actually better than supplying wrong info!

Sub niche is another great choice, sub niche is actually niches under a particular niche like under health we have fitness (loose weight and gain weight), wellness, healthy foods, and more!

When choosing niche you may want to consider sub niche if you ain't too satisfied or can't cover a broad niche! I have seen some people blogging about personal finance but with the sub niche saving or budgeting. If you feel a niche is already crowded, you may consider picking a sub niche.

In addition, there's no problem merging one niche with another, just like I'm doing here on LoveNancials. If you feel you can do well with two niches together then you're good to go. Provided you ain't stressing yourself to cope. LoveNancials is more of a Lifestyle blog, I talk about topics like Saving and making money, relationship, blogging & wealth.

What are some niche you could choose from?
There are tons to niche you might want to choose from, below are some of them you might want to choose from, I have included some of their sub niche too!

• Relationship
Family & Parenting

• Personal Finance
Money management
Saving & Budgeting
Side hustling
Making Money

• Health
Healthy food
Child's health

Tech news
How tos

• Business
Real Estate

• Fashion
Beauty Tips
Men's outfit
Lady's outfit
Cheap Clothing

There are tons of niche to choose from, if don't find any suitable one above feel free to research more.

Must-Read: How To Drive Traffic To A New Blog!

2.Get Ideas
Finding it hard to come up with niche ideas? The ones I mentioned might not be of help, I seriously do understand how it feels when you're having hard time deciding what to blog about, so I have come up with an easy method of finding niche ideas.

Have you heard of Pinterest? Yes I mean (Haven't signed up? Then you're missing a lot). Pinterest is a great place to get niche ideas. 70-80% of Pinterest users are bloggers, affiliate marketers and one of those online career! So it's a good place to find niche to blog about.

How it works? When you've signed up Pinterest, you'll be asked about topics you like and you'll make handy selection according to your choice. The followed topics serves as a filter for displaying valuable pins on your homepage. So you only see topics you're interested in!

So you should sign up Pinterest and follow topics you're interested in (please only topics you like), you will see options like Business, Relationship, Finance, Career etc. 

So select only what you're interested in (your selection determine what they'll recommend to you and please if you're signing up newly, choose only five you're interested in, the most). If you've signed up Pinterest already there's no need opening another account as you've already choosed your likes. Just flow with me!

Now you've successful signed up Pinterest and some pins have already been displayed. What next?

Check those pins and click on any pin that interest you the most (you've sign up already? Login and Just for check pins that interest you). Visit the website the pin is coming from and read the article therein. Don't stop yet, after you've read the article, check for other posts on the blog that impress you and read also.

Now it's your turn, after you've read the blog, observe and see if you find it interesting and would love to share something similar. In some cases you might not like the blog but doesn't mean you won't like the niche (maybe the posts are poorly written or the design and layout isn't friendly), go back to Pinterest and search for similar posts and read from other blogs!

Afterwards, go back to Pinterest and look for another pin that interest you but not from the same niche (sub niche is allowed), if you've previously read posts on health, try reading for another niche like relationship, etc. Do same for all the five topics you're interested in and then do comparison on which would work best. If you can reduce the topics you're interested in to maybe three or less the better. Also if you've already signed up Pinterest, you might have followed more than 5 topics, so just decide some niches and read some blogs that talks about it on Pinterest then decide which works best!

Furthermore, you can easily write out topics you enjoy, follow the topics on Pinterest and apply the above techniques.

I also advise you find a blog or blogs that stands as an epitome and mentor to you and follow their updates while observing how they run the blog(s).

3.Research Popularity & Competition
To be sincerely these isn't a must because i don't do it but you might want to know how popular a niche is and if people will find it useful. So it isn't a bad idea.

One thing you should know is even though a niche isn't popular after you've researched doesn't mean no one will be interested in it, it might even be an opportunity to dominate since it's not overcrowded.

Also one reason people often research for competition is because of SEO, so you should research for competition and create a strategy for outranking them or find and choose a sub niche. It's not easy to rank on Search engine as a newbie, I advice you don't let it weigh you down, focus on other traffic generating ways, fight competitors gradually and search engine will locate you.

For the research, BuzzSumo is a great research tool to determine niche's popularity on social networking sites. It's great for finding were your potential audience hang out! You may consider Google keyword research tool also!

How they work? 
BuzzSumo shows the popularity of a topic on various social platforms. When you visit BuzzSumo and type in a keyword(s); example 'loose weight', results will be displayed and you'll see how many shares the articles with such keyword has gotten on different social platforms. These way you'll know which social media the keyword is more popular  and determine the overall popularity. Below is the result I got for the keywords 'content marketing'.

Google keyword Tool shows you popularity based on searches. So when you type in a keyword on Google keyword tool, it will display result of how many times its been searched monthly.

I also type a keyword on Google (using PC), and see how many search results I will get, it's essential for finding how competitive a topic is though the result isn't 100% accurate as some blogs maybe repeated while others are startups but it gives me some knowledgeable information. I also type in keywords to Pinterest search box and know how many result I get also.

Must-Read: How To Choose The Right Name And Domain For Your Blog And Online Biz!

3.Time Management
Some niche may require more time than another, niche like News may require frequent posting than health tips.

So you should analyse  the time a particular topic would require from you and see if you can give in to it!

If you're not blogging fulltime, you should know when you'll be chanced to blog and see if the strategy will work with your niche.

Learn how to manage your time effectively, click here!

4.Damn Fear
I have discovered that fear is the major reason why  many people aren't making right decision when it comes to choosing a topic to blog about.

They're always like, I'm not qualified to blog about these. I'm too small to talk about these niche and people won't take me serious. I'm always shy and the list could go on. They automatically disqualify themselves even without trying!

I talked about relationship as a teen, I thought I wasn't qualified but I however decided to try, and it went perfectly. I remember when I advised someone about his relationship on an online forum leaving my Whatsapp contact if he needed more advise, I got messages from more than 30 persons asking for relationship advise, some offered to pay!

I was surprised, I never knew my advise would be taken serious and till date I still get messages from people asking me to advise them on their relationship. So far they've always come back to thank me for the advise and narrated how it went and besides all I was able to make some cash by offering professional advise and also learnt a lot. The experience gives me joy!😃

So you shouldn't let fear stand in your way and force you to choose the wrong niche, damn fear and start trying, as long as you're doing what's right there's nothing to worry about!

Must-Read: 9 Things To Do After You've Launch Your Blog!

5.Monetization Research
Feel free to skip if you're not interested in monetizing your blog, but read keenly if you're!

There are basically two popular monetization strategy; affiliate marketing and advertising (banner, text, pop-up ads, etc). I'm not neglecting the fact that there are other monetization strategy like course creation and eBook selling.

Some niches may be more profitable with a particular kind of monetization, so you should decide how you intend to monetize your blog! If you decide affiliate marketing, discover if the niche you've decided will be profitable with affiliate marketing or will be better off with advertising. If it doesn't tally, you may decide to change your niche or monetization strategy.

For these research, you should check out blogs with similar topics and see how they're monetizing their blog. Thank God some blogs publishes their income report, so read them and see where their income is coming from the most. If the two monetization strategy works for your niche then bravo!😃

6.Ask God For His Ever Genuine & Unfailing Advise!
Okay if you don't believe in God you can skip this point. Sincerely without God I would have been nowhere, I have remembered times without numbers I have asked him for direction and he has kept guiding me to the right part!

So if you believe in God, ask him to give you knowledge to choose the right niche. If you sincerely asked for it, he'll answer you.😃

Final Thoughts

No one is perfect, so you should keep learning more about any niche you've decided, read blogs on the niche, read newspapers and magazines. Always aim at the betterment of your skills and knowledge of the niche.

If you love a topic but don't have good knowledge in it, start learning. It is easier to learn about something you love than something you don't. Don't force yourself on any niche because of selfish reasons like it's money making or the likes. All niche makes money. Choose nothing but your passion and what you can't stop talking about. Yeah what you can't stop taking about I repeat!

Please Don't Go Yet!
I need a favor from you, found these article useful? Please help me share them with as many people as! Use the share buttons!

You've shared? Thanks, feel free to leave a comment, just ask your questions, add contributions and more!

Don't forget to follow on social platforms and subscribe to my mailing list! Stay beautiful.😃

You've heard of niche? It's actually the first thing people talk about when you're about starting a blog.
Go to Amazon, purchase any book on starting a blog and you will hear the author talking about choosing a blog niche. Yeah it's that serious.

Why is choosing a blogging niche important?

• Helps you stand out
Blogging has existed long time ago (even before I was born and maybe you too), many bloggers have already got a name for their self and their blog, you too probably want to achieve same!

So sticking with niche blogging will help you achieve your aim fast! If you're blogging about relationship and someone else is blogging about relationship, health, business, entertainment and more, someone who is looking for relationship guide would prefer your own blog than the one that's multi niche! So these way you stand out and someone will have a clear insight on what you're blogging about!

•Help you rank for SEO
You've probably visit Google search engine and type in some keywords and some websites appeared. Have you asked yourself why those websites appeared when there are some other websites with such keyword, some other are found on page #133 😃

The reason is because those blogs and websites are niche specific, type business on Google and Business insider is likely to appear on the list because it's specifically for business.

So when you're focused on a particular topic you're likely to rank than when you're multi niche. Though single niche is no guarantee for ranking but it's a good approach to SEO.

• Reduce Workload
Sticking to a single niche helps you reduce some unnecessary stress, lets say you're a multi niche blogger, you'll face stress of writing post on each niche, multiple subscription list, and driving traffic to each niche as your readers might not be on the same social platform. But if you're blogging about a single topic (example fitness), you won't face stress of researching multiple topics (you'll be focused on your niche), visiting many social platforms (you'll stick to were your readers hang out), you won't have multiple subscription list ( all your subscribers will be interested in what you have), the list goes on!

• Help You Stay Focus
Sticking to a single niche helps you stay focused, you will only visit places were your readers hang out, read articles about your niche, guest post on niche related sites and more. You won't think much about other things.

Also when you're asked what you're blogging about you'll be able to mention something specific other than mentioning many topics.

If I'm to mention all the importance then you'll expect nothing less than 35,000 words when reading this post. Multi niche has it pros and also cons, so those single niche has it own cons but there's nothing like single niche, the advantages tends to be more!

Despite the importance of niche blogging most people experience difficulty in choosing the right niche, I also found myself in such trauma and wasn't something I would wish to anyone, it's really daunting and mind boggling.

I really had a hard time choosing niche for my blog, I closed several blogs of mine because I wasn't satisfied with the topics I was covering, I wanted to blog about everything i knew but it wasn't working! I had to stick with some niches and later on, I found the ones that is superb for me! Seriously I understand the confusion attached to choosing a niche for your blog, so I've got you covered. If you're reading this after so many attempt to find the right niche, I'm here to guide you through!

So lets get started with choosing a blog niche , but before then permit to address a common issue most people face when choosing a niche for their blog.

What's that? Trying to be for everyone. You seriously can't please everyone, if you want everyone to be interested in the topic you're blogging about then you'll be lost. Blogging isn't about getting the crowd, get a decent amount and rock on with it.

Everybody mustn't like your niche, if they don't they'll go elsewhere, those who're interested will stay around. Don't make the mistake of trying to get everyone's attention.

Must-Read: How To Start A Blog That Makes Money!


1.Choose a niche around your likes.
What are those things you like? You should blog about what you enjoy and have passion for.
Brainstorm about what you'll like to share with your readers, What problem do you want to solve? Oh people ain't getting these right or are struggling with with it, I have better knowledge about this and I can be of help. Seriously what problem will you be addressing?

In addition, you should love to read other blogs on which ever topic you've chosen, what kind of blogs do you read? Okay you're not a fan of blogs? Take 3-5 days this week and read a blog that's similar or the same with the topic you've decided and see if you enjoy the niche and would also love to share something similar!

When choosing a niche you should ask yourself why would someone actually want to read my blog?
How are you helping your readers?

Okay I'm making them laugh,

I'm teaching them about .....,

I'm helping them solve or overcome.....,

I'm motivating about being or achieving.....,

Just think of how you're helping your readers.

If you have experience about something, you can share your experience about it via blogging. If you successful loosed weight, you can decide to guide people from experience of loosing weight.

What if I'm not good or a professional about the things I would love to blog about? 
Nobody is interested in your professionalism, you actually don't need a Bachelors degree or a particular personality. Be yourself, readers appreciate authenticity, don't pretend to be Mr A when you're actually Mr B. If you don't know a thing, tell your readers and teach want you know or better still do some research!

There's always room for learning, nobody knows it all, if you're not good at the desired niche, go learn it! Pay to learn if needs arise. When I decided to talk about personal finance, I wasn't good at it, I didn't even enjoy reading personal finance blog (I thought so), I just decided to give it a try, I read personal finance blogs and I discovered I actually did love personal finances, I never knew until I gave it a try, so start trying.

I also went further after I discovered my passion for finances to learn about it, i took courses online, attended seminars, listen to podcast and more. I won't say I afterwards became an expert, No No No!

I'm not an expert but I was able to get some knowledge about personal finance. One thing I also gained was I hence started to plan my financial life, I started budgeting and I actually became money wise. So learning personal finance also help me too. Today I'm still learning and at the same time sharing...

I see my blog as a storage for storing what I knew for future use and at the same time teaching others. How? Sometimes i read articles I've written previously and I'm like wow! I actually wrote this?

I have forgotten about the articles and also the tips in it, so I am able to re-read it and learn from the article. Brains forget, so my blog actually reminds me! You get the picture😃

There's nothing wrong telling your readers you don't know a thing, times without number my readers have ask me investment questions and I answer those I know and the ones I don't I reply; sincerely I don't know about this! It's actually better than supplying wrong info!

Sub niche is another great choice, sub niche is actually niches under a particular niche like under health we have fitness (loose weight and gain weight), wellness, healthy foods, and more!

When choosing niche you may want to consider sub niche if you ain't too satisfied or can't cover a broad niche! I have seen some people blogging about personal finance but with the sub niche saving or budgeting. If you feel a niche is already crowded, you may consider picking a sub niche.

In addition, there's no problem merging one niche with another, just like I'm doing here on LoveNancials. If you feel you can do well with two niches together then you're good to go. Provided you ain't stressing yourself to cope. LoveNancials is more of a Lifestyle blog, I talk about topics like Saving and making money, relationship, blogging & wealth.

What are some niche you could choose from?
There are tons to niche you might want to choose from, below are some of them you might want to choose from, I have included some of their sub niche too!

• Relationship
Family & Parenting

• Personal Finance
Money management
Saving & Budgeting
Side hustling
Making Money

• Health
Healthy food
Child's health

Tech news
How tos

• Business
Real Estate

• Fashion
Beauty Tips
Men's outfit
Lady's outfit
Cheap Clothing

There are tons of niche to choose from, if don't find any suitable one above feel free to research more.

Must-Read: How To Drive Traffic To A New Blog!

2.Get Ideas
Finding it hard to come up with niche ideas? The ones I mentioned might not be of help, I seriously do understand how it feels when you're having hard time deciding what to blog about, so I have come up with an easy method of finding niche ideas.

Have you heard of Pinterest? Yes I mean (Haven't signed up? Then you're missing a lot). Pinterest is a great place to get niche ideas. 70-80% of Pinterest users are bloggers, affiliate marketers and one of those online career! So it's a good place to find niche to blog about.

How it works? When you've signed up Pinterest, you'll be asked about topics you like and you'll make handy selection according to your choice. The followed topics serves as a filter for displaying valuable pins on your homepage. So you only see topics you're interested in!

So you should sign up Pinterest and follow topics you're interested in (please only topics you like), you will see options like Business, Relationship, Finance, Career etc. 

So select only what you're interested in (your selection determine what they'll recommend to you and please if you're signing up newly, choose only five you're interested in, the most). If you've signed up Pinterest already there's no need opening another account as you've already choosed your likes. Just flow with me!

Now you've successful signed up Pinterest and some pins have already been displayed. What next?

Check those pins and click on any pin that interest you the most (you've sign up already? Login and Just for check pins that interest you). Visit the website the pin is coming from and read the article therein. Don't stop yet, after you've read the article, check for other posts on the blog that impress you and read also.

Now it's your turn, after you've read the blog, observe and see if you find it interesting and would love to share something similar. In some cases you might not like the blog but doesn't mean you won't like the niche (maybe the posts are poorly written or the design and layout isn't friendly), go back to Pinterest and search for similar posts and read from other blogs!

Afterwards, go back to Pinterest and look for another pin that interest you but not from the same niche (sub niche is allowed), if you've previously read posts on health, try reading for another niche like relationship, etc. Do same for all the five topics you're interested in and then do comparison on which would work best. If you can reduce the topics you're interested in to maybe three or less the better. Also if you've already signed up Pinterest, you might have followed more than 5 topics, so just decide some niches and read some blogs that talks about it on Pinterest then decide which works best!

Furthermore, you can easily write out topics you enjoy, follow the topics on Pinterest and apply the above techniques.

I also advise you find a blog or blogs that stands as an epitome and mentor to you and follow their updates while observing how they run the blog(s).

3.Research Popularity & Competition
To be sincerely these isn't a must because i don't do it but you might want to know how popular a niche is and if people will find it useful. So it isn't a bad idea.

One thing you should know is even though a niche isn't popular after you've researched doesn't mean no one will be interested in it, it might even be an opportunity to dominate since it's not overcrowded.

Also one reason people often research for competition is because of SEO, so you should research for competition and create a strategy for outranking them or find and choose a sub niche. It's not easy to rank on Search engine as a newbie, I advice you don't let it weigh you down, focus on other traffic generating ways, fight competitors gradually and search engine will locate you.

For the research, BuzzSumo is a great research tool to determine niche's popularity on social networking sites. It's great for finding were your potential audience hang out! You may consider Google keyword research tool also!

How they work? 
BuzzSumo shows the popularity of a topic on various social platforms. When you visit BuzzSumo and type in a keyword(s); example 'loose weight', results will be displayed and you'll see how many shares the articles with such keyword has gotten on different social platforms. These way you'll know which social media the keyword is more popular  and determine the overall popularity. Below is the result I got for the keywords 'content marketing'.

Google keyword Tool shows you popularity based on searches. So when you type in a keyword on Google keyword tool, it will display result of how many times its been searched monthly.

I also type a keyword on Google (using PC), and see how many search results I will get, it's essential for finding how competitive a topic is though the result isn't 100% accurate as some blogs maybe repeated while others are startups but it gives me some knowledgeable information. I also type in keywords to Pinterest search box and know how many result I get also.

Must-Read: How To Choose The Right Name And Domain For Your Blog And Online Biz!

3.Time Management
Some niche may require more time than another, niche like News may require frequent posting than health tips.

So you should analyse  the time a particular topic would require from you and see if you can give in to it!

If you're not blogging fulltime, you should know when you'll be chanced to blog and see if the strategy will work with your niche.

Learn how to manage your time effectively, click here!

4.Damn Fear
I have discovered that fear is the major reason why  many people aren't making right decision when it comes to choosing a topic to blog about.

They're always like, I'm not qualified to blog about these. I'm too small to talk about these niche and people won't take me serious. I'm always shy and the list could go on. They automatically disqualify themselves even without trying!

I talked about relationship as a teen, I thought I wasn't qualified but I however decided to try, and it went perfectly. I remember when I advised someone about his relationship on an online forum leaving my Whatsapp contact if he needed more advise, I got messages from more than 30 persons asking for relationship advise, some offered to pay!

I was surprised, I never knew my advise would be taken serious and till date I still get messages from people asking me to advise them on their relationship. So far they've always come back to thank me for the advise and narrated how it went and besides all I was able to make some cash by offering professional advise and also learnt a lot. The experience gives me joy!😃

So you shouldn't let fear stand in your way and force you to choose the wrong niche, damn fear and start trying, as long as you're doing what's right there's nothing to worry about!

Must-Read: 9 Things To Do After You've Launch Your Blog!

5.Monetization Research
Feel free to skip if you're not interested in monetizing your blog, but read keenly if you're!

There are basically two popular monetization strategy; affiliate marketing and advertising (banner, text, pop-up ads, etc). I'm not neglecting the fact that there are other monetization strategy like course creation and eBook selling.

Some niches may be more profitable with a particular kind of monetization, so you should decide how you intend to monetize your blog! If you decide affiliate marketing, discover if the niche you've decided will be profitable with affiliate marketing or will be better off with advertising. If it doesn't tally, you may decide to change your niche or monetization strategy.

For these research, you should check out blogs with similar topics and see how they're monetizing their blog. Thank God some blogs publishes their income report, so read them and see where their income is coming from the most. If the two monetization strategy works for your niche then bravo!😃

6.Ask God For His Ever Genuine & Unfailing Advise!
Okay if you don't believe in God you can skip this point. Sincerely without God I would have been nowhere, I have remembered times without numbers I have asked him for direction and he has kept guiding me to the right part!

So if you believe in God, ask him to give you knowledge to choose the right niche. If you sincerely asked for it, he'll answer you.😃

Final Thoughts

No one is perfect, so you should keep learning more about any niche you've decided, read blogs on the niche, read newspapers and magazines. Always aim at the betterment of your skills and knowledge of the niche.

If you love a topic but don't have good knowledge in it, start learning. It is easier to learn about something you love than something you don't. Don't force yourself on any niche because of selfish reasons like it's money making or the likes. All niche makes money. Choose nothing but your passion and what you can't stop talking about. Yeah what you can't stop taking about I repeat!

Please Don't Go Yet!
I need a favor from you, found these article useful? Please help me share them with as many people as! Use the share buttons!

You've shared? Thanks, feel free to leave a comment, just ask your questions, add contributions and more!

Don't forget to follow on social platforms and subscribe to my mailing list! Stay beautiful.😃

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